Viewing this CD If you have Netscape 4.5 or Internet Explorer 4.0, you can simply open "start.html" (in the start here folder of your CD-ROM) in your browser. Installation To fully experience this CD-ROM, you will need: *A protected mode CD-ROM driver *A compatible Java-enabled browser *The Apple QuickTime(tm) plug-in *Adobe Acrobat Reader We strongly recommend using Netscape 4.5 or Internet Explorer 4.0. Windows Installation: Open the "installers" folder. Open the "windows" folder. Open either the "acrobat" or "quicktime 3.0" folder. Select the executable file. Follow the instructions on the screen. Macintosh Installation: Open the "installers" folder. Open the "mac" folder. Select either the acrobat installer or open the quicktime 3.0 folder and select the installer. Follow the instructions on the screen. Advanced Netscape Plug-in Modification The Applications Panel Helper applications and plug-ins are external pieces of software that work in conjunction with Communicator, expanding Communicator's ability to interpret files of many different formats. The panel contains a scrolling field that lists the available helper applications and plug-ins. You can use the panel to examine and configure how a file's format maps to a helper application. When you select an application, its file type details are displayed below the scrolling field. File type details include: Extension: the common suffix used by files of this type. MIME Type: a standardized naming scheme for organizing divergent file formats. Handled By: the application or application category capable of interpreting the file. Buttons in the panel let you add, edit, or delete applications and their associated file types. Helper Application Background Communicator brings files to your computer using various server protocols such as HTTP, NNTP, SMTP, and FTP. Each protocol can support different file formats. Communicator has the built-in capability to interpret and display on your computer several formats, including the HTML format used by HTTP servers. When Communicator retrieves a file with a format that Communicator itself cannot read, the application attempts to use a helper application or plug- in capable of reading the file. The preferences panel lets you configure new helper applications or reconfigure current ones. When you click New Type or Edit, a dialog appears that lets you add or modify information such as file suffix extensions or actions associated with a helper application or plug-in. If you click New Type, the dialog appears with empty fields. If you click Edit, the dialog appears with the properties for the selected application. To add a new application and associated file type: Click the New Type button (New on the Mac OS and Unix) to display an empty dialog for adding information about a new application. Type the kind of file or file type in the Description of Type field. Type the common suffix or suffixes used by the file type in the File Extension field (Suffixes on the Mac OS and Unix). Type the file type or MIME type in the MIME Type field. On Windows, type (or use the Browse button to select) the location of the application capable of interpreting files of this type in the Application to Use field. On the Mac OS and Unix, select an action in the Handled By area of the panel. To specify an application to interpret files, select the Application Radio button and click Choose. On the Mac OS, you can also specify a type from the File Type pop-up menu. Click OK to store the new information. To edit an existing application and associated file type: 1.Select one helper application from the panel's list. 2.Click the Edit button to display a dialog for changing the information associated with the selected item. The dialog displays the suffix extensions used by the selected item. 3.Edit the file type or MIME type in the MIME Type field. 4.Select an action in the Handled By area of the panel. You can designate: Navigator. This opens the downloaded file in the content area if the file's format is supported. Save to Disk: This saves a file to disk after the file is downloaded. Application. This opens the application at the specified location using the downloaded file as its document. Click the Browse button to select the location of the launch application. 5.Select the Ask Me before opening downloaded files of this type. Check box if you want a dialog box notification before downloading files that are handled by applications other than Navigator. 6.Click OK to store the new information. To remove an existing application and associated file type: 1.Select one helper application from the panel's list. 2.Click the Remove button (Delete on the Mac OS and Unix). A warning dialog informs you of the consequences of deleting a helper application. 3.Click OK to remove the application. To specify a folder for downloaded applications: (This capability is available only on the Mac OS and Unix.) Click Choose to specify the location of the Downloads folder. Before a helper application runs, Communicator temporarily stores application files on disk. After the helper application exits, Communicator deletes the files. The Choose button lets you select a new default folder if, for example, your default disk is short on space and you want to store temporary files in another location.